High level outline of Aqua Protocol (AQP) specification
This section of documentation gets into specific details about the AQUA Protocol and is meant for those doing an implementation or contributing to the Protocol itself.
High level outline of Aqua Protocol (AQP) specification
The following text has the goal to highlight the possibility to build identity protocol functionality on top of the core verifiction protocol. This part of the project is in early stages and not mature.
ANS is used to hashes of various types to human readable names
Highlights the levels of assurances you can receive by using technology provided in the Aqua reference implementation.
Introduces the concept of Data Accounting
Introduces the concept of Data Governance
Describes the process of sending domain snapshots to remote data vaults.
Lists the design principles underlying our reference implementation
Shows access and transport layer logic used to interconnect data vaults
Shows how the Aqua URI’s can be used as immutable links.