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It is highly problematic to expose sensitive data, such as personal identifiable data, to the internet. The service who hosts that sensitive data, needs to be compromised only for a short amount of time, to leak all the data. Often caused by configuration mistakes or by vulnerabilities being present in the used technology stack.

We can't effort to have leaks on personal-identifiable data in data vaults. To raise the bar on making attacks difficult and reducing the chance of leakage of information, we introduce the Guardian as a extra security layer to protect services like the PKC from attacks.


The Guardian is a software which manages the boundaries of your digital domain. Guardians are used to connect to secure transport networks (HTTPS, Matrix Network, Didcomm) and publishing networks (e.g. Swarm.eth). The Guardian is used to build trusted connections to other Guardians via trusted transport-layers to exchange data with them. As the Guardian connects to other Guardians, it also manages all connections to services in it's domain and access to those services.


Secure all services behind the Guardian from attacks and unauthorized access. Keep the data vault and it's data private and safe, while enabling the ability to exchange data with other Guardians.


Enforcement is handled on each connection and each data set so that services behind the Guardian are never directly exposed. This makes the Guardian the most security sensitive component in the Aqua reference implementation, as we expect the Guardian to handle all incoming and outgoing traffic. The Guardian enjoys additional attention and effort to be up to it's task by hardening it and applying security best practices to ensure that it is fulfilling it's security promise to keep services behind the Guardian safe.

Every transaction leaving or wanting to enter your domain will be supervised and checked by the Guardian. The core functionality of the Guardian is a library to verify the Aqua Protocol. Only if the verification succeeds additional steps are introduced to make decisions how the data is handled.

This allows the Guardian to read and understand Aqua verified data. This allows for the implementation of a wide set of behavioral rules and offers the opportunity to create various 'Smart contract' languages on top of it.

The Guardian verifies a file, reads its contents and checks it's permissions to classify if an action is considered legal or illegal, permitted or denied. Basic functionality for a Guardian can be compared with a traditional firewall, or a application firewall but is much more sophisticated to manage access on the data-level.


Proving ownership over a domain by signing the domain ID with an self-issued identity claim which is also registered in a claim registry to ensure nobody claims to have owned that domain before by manipulating the digital clock and faking an earlier owner-ship claim over the domain.

Permission Agreements / Data Usage Agreement / Access Rights

are contracts which represent the terms and conditions under which files and/or services are shared with other accounts and/or their digital domains.

By nature those Permission Agreements will be compiled through pages and stored as files. To form an agreement, the other party must be notified about new resources as they become available. For example, when we share a page with another account. To complete a permission agreement, the counter party has to sign the permission agreement or reject it. If the permission agreement is signed, the other party enters a contractual relationship in which they will be liable for any agreement violates executed from their digital domain.


Domain Handshake

Establish trust between two Aqua domains. For this we have Alice and Bob which want to establish trust between their domains. They both have a Guardian in place to protect their data vaults.


  1. Alice: Create access contract: I <Alice_account> want to connect from my <domain_id> to a <domain_id> controlled by <Bobs_account> with my <Alice_domain_id> via the following channel: DNS/HTTPS via
  2. Alice: sign contract
  3. Alice: SEND contract send the page via 'mail' / 'matrix' whatever to the remote PKC instance.
  4. Bob: veries the contract contract and imports it
  5. Bob: extend contract: I <bobs_account> connect my PKC <bobs_domain_id> to your PKC <Alice_domain_id> via my Guardian_endpoint <>.
  6. Bob: sign extended contract: Bob uses his wallet to sign his extended contract.
  7. Bob: send extended contract TO Alice: Bob sends his Contract to his Guardian.
  8. Bob's Guardian: Verifies and sends the contract to Alice Guardian.
  9. Alice Guardian: Guardian verifies all data Sends OK back to Bob's Guardian Sends Updates contract into Alice PKC Waits for Bob's Guardian to request available pages
  10. Bob's Guardian requests a list of pages: ' What pages do you share with me?'
  11. Alice Guardian: Returns list of accessible resources for Bob

Example: Sharing a File

Target: Sharing a file with another account. Using two Aqua data vaults with their two Guardians to manage access to them. We assume the Guardians already have executed a handshake to enter a trusted relationship. We also assume, that the file should underlay access basedon account restrictions and domain restrictions.

Example 1: Sharing a file without additional constrains with another account.

Alice wants to share her page 'My secret research' with Bob. Their Guardians have already formed a trusted connection. What Alice needs to do now is to add a sub-page with an immutable link under the 'My secret research' page and define access. To be able to define access Alice needs to have a claim over the ownership over the domain she is sharing from.

Alice creates an Access Permission for the whole page or for a single revision by creating a page with the following syntax:

  • <genesis_hash>:access_contract

  • To give access to the whole page with all it's revisions.

  • <revision_hash>:access_contract

  • To give access to a specific revision.

Content of the page:

I Alice <alice-account> give access to Bob <bob-account>

  • option 1: to the whole page including it's history <genesis_hash>
  • option 2: to the following revision <revision_hash>'My secret research'

Additional one-sided conditions:

  • This access contract expires in 7 days

This contract will come into place with my <alice-account> signature.

The Guardian will react to a specific syntax of pages holding contracts, agreements and access rights to adjust his network access rights accordingly to it. Alice-Guardian will respond to the question what resources are shared by Bobs-Guardian with the answer that there is a new page available according to the access contract which now gives Bobs-Guardian the ability to query the content of 'My secure research' from Alice according to the contract. Depending on Bobs-Guardian setting, the Guardian might automatically load the resource and forward it into the post-box of Bobs Data Vault.

Example 2: Sharing a file with constrains forming a contract to do so.

Same as 1 expect that for the contract to come into place, Bob needs to sign the contract from Alice containing additional constrains.

Content of the page:

I Alice <alice-account> give access to Bob <bob-account>

  • option 1: to the whole page including it's history <genesis_hash>
  • option 2: to the following revision <revision_hash>'My secret research'

Under the following conditions:

  • Do not share outside your domain <Bobs-domain_id>
  • Do not share with any body else (Bobs domain can't have another account registered to it, if there is an account registered the Guardian of Bob will say that Bobs domain does not fulfill the requirements to establish this contract.
  • Do not modify it.
  • Delete it after 7 days.

For this contract to be valid, signatures of first Alice and then Bob need to be present. This means, after Alice signed the access contract, the contract is a new available resource to Bob to be loaded. Bob can now sign the resource in his domain and return the contract. Leading to the contract send back to Alice domain and being updated there. Bob now gets access to 'My secret research' which has been updated as well, to contain via an immutable link the access contract.

Permission Templates, Complex Permissions (Groups and more)

It is possible to apply complex permissions based on templates, or and connecting multiple access contracts by using

  • instead of this syntax <genesis_hash>:permission_agreement
  • the following the syntax <genesis_hash>:<genesis_hash-2> in which the <genesis_hash-2> contains a list of sub-pages with access contracts which can be used to apply access via permission-objects which are represented by the <genesis_hash-2> page object.
  1. Alice wants to
  2. If the user wants to propose changes to the page, he will send an updated PAGE FILE to the OWNER of the PAGE.
  3. The owner can decide to ACCEPT the changes. Or to include the changes in the HISTORY File, but not COMMIT them. Or to NOT include the update of the PAGE, and disregard it.


The Guard Daemon checks if there is digital contract present in his domain. Those contracts set permissions for allowing a counter party to access a service or resource (like a file or a page, or a revision). It's also defining the constrains under which permissions access is given. In this case it requires the digital signature of the receiving party for the agreement to come into place and be valid.

Guardians have administrative access to the services they manage. Therefore they can supervise the activities of services and use them as triggers to e.g. provide access according to a set permission without additional user action.

Guardian Components:


  • System-API to control a service via a service specific library. Each services will have their own control-library and control API to create an abstraction layer which allows for a unified control logic in the Guardian.

    • E.g. an account is allowed to access a service
    • E.g. a resource is shared with an account
    • E.g. a trust relationship between two services is established (based on an agreement between two accounts) to exchange data
    • Implementation Specific PKC: All interactions for system interaction with MediaWiki / PKC
      • Execute Actions: Move, Update, Edit, Delete Pages
      • Request send to the Guardian: Verify a specific page or a list of pages
  • Data-API to retrieve Aqua-Data between a service and the Guardian, or between two Guardians.

    • Send data to import API
    • Read data via export API
      • Implementation Specific PKC: Read special Pages used to give access e.g. Data Usage Agreements, Permission Agreements
  • Aqua Verification Library to be able to verify incoming and outgoing data

    • implementation of the 'external-verifier' in e.g. GO, Typescript or Javascript (current)
  • Account-Registry (Holding the list of trusted keys and the relationship between them)

    • This includes defined 'trusted accounts'
  • Session-Handler/Registry (Acts like Stateful-Firewall on the page-object level to mange imports / exports). The Guardian verifies incoming and outgoing data and constructs sessions based on it.

  • Guardian Policies: Are sets of rules followed and enforced by the Guardian. This includes set of rules used to protect the domain from unauthorized operations and access. Part of that are page access permissions which are managed by the Data Usage Agreements.

    • <domain_id><account><genesis_hash><revision_hash>:<domain_id><account><genesis_hash><revision_hash>
  • Transport Layer API's / Sub-Modules for connectivity to distributed services

    • The Guardian-to-Guardian communication handler (via DNS/HTTPS transport)
    • Ethereum Integration, Ethereum Handler (As a witness Network)
    • Matrix Integration, Matrix Handler (As a restrictive/ permissioned transport layer)
    • Schwarm Integration, Swarm Handler (As a publishing network)


The Guardian has a modular design to support integration with many services and transport layers.

Web (HTTPS / DNS) Integration Goal: Have a

handler to connect web-facing Guardians with each other in a safe way. Be able to run guardian procedures via two public Facing guardians which use a public DNS name and HTTPS to interconnect with each other. Guardian procedures are: Guardian handshakes to establish trust or remove trust Request or Send portable Hash-Chains based on access rights between each other

Ethereum Node

Integration Goal: Connect to a self-hosted or remote Ethereum Node. Option 1: Configuration via Alchemy (Providing Keys) via Special:DataAccountingConfig Option 2: Implementation of Ethereum Node via ./setup --ethereum-node (provide container) Configuration of Connection to RPC Ethereum node via address (if in same network) The Wallet can be directly be connected to a local Ethereum node via RPC to avoid meta-data gathering of large providers, like INFURA which could potential track which IP address has created which Ethereum Transaction with which Metamask-Wallet, leading to a de-pseudonymousation of the user. ### Ethereum Node Handler Goal: Accelerate lookups of the Guardian via caching Every-time a witness contract is called, the Ethereum Node Handler will start to cache the all Ethereum-Witness events of that Witness-Contract and Index them in it's database. This will reduce access times to ms vs potential seconds in lookup times, making the Guardian more performant and responsive. ## Matrix Node Integration Goal: Connect to a self-hosted or remote synapse-server (MATRIX) Node. Configure a remote matrix server or a local one via Guardian. Implementation of Matrix-Node deployment via ./pkc setup --matrix-node (provide container).

Matrix Node Handler

Context: We use Ethereum Wallets as Identity-Anchors as they are globally unique addresses (which are collision free) broadly adopted with supported hardware ledgers as secure hardware elements with an existing fast moving ecosystem for further development. They act as 'web-based' PGP-like utilities which do not need any Blockchain-Interaction for Signing messages and can be used as a valuable off-line capable identity anchor. With this step we separate Identity and Service; even in case of compromising the computer of the user or by having a breach of secrets in the Element-Client the Identity would be safe (in case a hardware wallet would be used). This also drastically reduces attack surface to phish a users credentials; as there is no Password-Login there is no way to steal the password to impersonate the user. All security assumptions of the User-Identity come back to the security of his private key. For the Kolibri/PKC project this is the foundation for using wallet-addresses as Identities to route traffic with matrix bots between PKC's. The following actions are required to use the Ethereum Wallet as a strong Identity Anchor within Matrix.

This requires the following functionality:

  • Register the user via an Ethereum wallet address (successfully piloted by inblockio)
  • Detect that it is an Ethereum Wallet-Address; Verify integrity of address with the Ethereum Wallet-Address Checksum (TBD)
  • Make username not changeable (Done via Matrix settings,successfully piloted by inblockio)
  • Wallet login with Web-Wallet Metamask via OIDC (Open ID Connect) (successfully Piloted by inblockio)
  • Verify Ownership of the Wallet by doing an Element-Client side Signature Challenge to the User. Challenge resolved by signing a message with sufficient entropy to not be ever the same (to protect against leakage) with the private key via the Ethereum Metamask Webwallet (or a connected Hardware-Wallet)
  • Implement a User-to-User request of proof of Identity Users / Server can challenge other users to proof that they hold the private Wallet-Key by triggering the Signature Challenge to the User; After the challenge is done, the requested party is provided with all information to do a manual verification of the signature (the Message which was Signed, the Signature, the used method used for the signature)


Context: The Matrix-Network communicates with the PKC through the Guardian who will manage all access to the MediaWiki service. The Guardian uses a Matrix-Bot (to handle the communication) and a Matrix-Integration (to be flexible to use a private synapse or a remote synapse server) to interact with the Matrix Network as a permissioned transport layer.

Referenz-Implementation: Suitable options for a matrix-integration are 'go-lang' or 'rust'. Guardian next generation Guardian will be written in Rust, so integration of security relevant components would be preferably in Rust and Webassambly. A central point to configure the guardian to connect to matrix and other services needs to be provided. The matrix server is connected to the guardian with a service bot which is able to open rooms to exchange revisions between PKC’s.

Required Functionality of the Matrix-Bot:

  • open new room for user (required) - to share resource invite / remove other users to/ from room (required) - to set permissions who can read
  • shared resource close room (required) - after resource share is revoked join a room the user is invited too (by other matrix-bot) *'accept invite' check for challenge (provided via text from remote Guardian), leave room if challenge is faulty and block user (required) delete? room / delete history? Note: Use matrix only as channel not as storage (optional) preferably the history of the channel is not kept
  • post content of (mediawiki API query results from the Guardian) into a room
  • (required) read content of room (send it to the Guardian for verification, before it's send to the import API) (required)